
Northern Corfu June 2023

Hello everyone I hope you are all well. It’s been quite a while since I posted…

I did not intend this to happen, but sometimes life gets in the way and you need to slow down and take stock.

My “wee” sabbatical has given me time to think about where I want to take my small business and although I haven’t figured everything out just yet I have made a few decisions that I want to share with you today. Not necessarily in this order, but a few key things are changing over the next few months:

I will stop selling my fabrics direct from my website from the 1st September. Many of my lovely customers are makers and currently only have one choice of fabric base to choose from, which is very limiting. To stock all the different fabric bases (of which there are many!) isn’t an option so I have decided to out source this to a third party where you will be able to choose your own fabric base using any of my designs. The quilters/makers among you will be very happy about this!

I will be offering my designs up for licensing - something I have been thinking about for a while, but have only recently felt ready. Since launching my business I have specialised in fabric. I think it’s now time to branch out and see where my designs can go…lots of possibilities out there.

I will no longer be making products to sell direct from my website, but I will be offering a print on demand service for selected product lines using a third party supplier. It really excites me to see what products customers will create with the freedom to choose.

There are a few other plans, but I don’t want share too much all in one go!

Why am I doing this? To give me more time to do what I really love - surface pattern design and creating one-off art pieces.

I will also have the time to create more collections that can be put on a variety of products including fabric, wallpaper, homeware etc…

I hope you will be as excited about the changes coming as I am. Please let me know your thoughts - I always love to hear from you 💙

Laura x

P.s. Photo above is of a fabulous family trip to Corfu in June - a slice of heaven and inspiration for my next collection…