New Designs Coming Soon...

Hope Design in Dusky Pink

New designs and colour ways coming soon...

I would like to apologise - it is taking me a lot longer to launch my new collection than I planned. I have totally underestimated the time my subscription box takes up every week leaving very little space to pull together my new designs, test colours/scale etc...

Since launching our sewing subscription boxes last year I have been flat out and the months just roll by. I am working on a new collection though called Sanctuary albeit very slowly 🙃 But it will be worth the wait I promise!

I just thought I would give you a wee sneak peek of a new colour way in our Hope design. It's called dusky pink and I love it. It's so calming and actually looks nicer in the flesh - so hard to take good photos in winter 😬 I can't wait to see it on as cushions, blinds/curtains etc all coming soon...

I would love to know what you think so please do get in touch.

Hope you're having a good week.

Laura x

Laura Tulloch